11 OSTA is a blend of two very popular SARM’s which are OSTARINE MK2866 and YK11
11 OSTA is a blend of two very popular SARM’s which are OSTARINE MK2866 and YK11
YK11 is possibly the strongest of all the SARM’s and does it’s job in a very unique way, When YK11 start’s to effect the androgen receptor
in your body it causes the production of follistatin, which is a powerful myostatin inhibitor this allows your muscular cell’s to grow
uninhibited by your body’s natural limit’s.
Ostarine is a non-steroidal oral Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that has been used in clinical trials to attenuate muscle wasting and improve muscular hypertrophy. Alpha Form Labs Ostarine is the most anabolic of any SARMS and is perfect for people whose primary goal is gaining lean muscle. One of the best components of Ostarine is its ability to aid in re-comping a physique. It’s arguably the hardest thing to accomplish unless you have elite genetics. Ostarine actually allows calories to be taken from fat stores and caloric intake is fed directly into the muscle tissue.